Team Work through Agile Practices
Progress through Measured Agility
ThunderCloud Labs employs a modified version of traditional Agile practices.
We believe in the roles and responsibilities of the Product Owner and the Project Team to work closely together in order to create great systems that generate value for our customers.
Unlike many Agile organizations, ThunderCloud Labs also recognizes the need for the Product Owner to have project artifacts that are used as guideposts for the Product. These artifacts are a common documented vision of what needs to be accomplished. We believe that mockups, interface descriptions, and other system design documents remain an integral part of the process when creating enterprise level systems. These artifacts are critical to clearly communicate with other teams. These artifacts also provide customers with a record of why decisions were made during critical parts of system's development.
ThunderCloud Labs' implementation of Agile ensures that you are involved in creating solutions aligned to your vision. You will work with the ThunderCloud Labs team to define how users will work with your system.
In the Agile lifecycle, we capture system requirements in "user stories" that will be managed in a backlog of work for the Project Team. You, as the Product Owner, will work with ThunderCloud Labs to refine the user stories, define what is acceptable in terms of completion, and prioritize the work that will be completed by the Project Team. ThunderCloud Labs Agile-certified Scrum Master will work with the development team to determine how much can be accomplished during the Sprint which usually lasts two weeks. Team members commit to the work that they can complete during the Sprint.
Once a Sprint of development has begun, "Scrum" calls will be held daily to review project progress by team members and to remove blockers that they may be encountering. As the Sprint progresses, the Scrum master works with the team to manage work completion and report on the burndown of work. The Scrum Master will review this burndown with you to ensure you understand the teams' progress.
You need ThunderCloud Labs to support your vision, to provide insight into system development throughout the lifecycle, and develop systems that solve problems for your enterprise.
Want to find out more, give us a call!